
Course Program

Course Speakers

Natalia Markova

dermatovenereologist, aesthetic doctor, leading teacher of anatomical and aesthetic courses, author of methods for correcting appearance using threads and collagen stimulators

Svetlana Korkunda

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Combustiologist of the highest category. International trainer of Medical Esthetic company, South Korean laboratory Regen Biotech, inc. Aesthefill & Powerfill, Aptos Trainer. International expert of Hyalual and PBSerum.

Svetlana Larkina

Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, scientific director of OKK-EXPERT PHARMA COMPANY, chief physician of LARKINA CENTER.

Наталья Маркова

врач-дерматовенеролог, косметолог, ведущий преподаватель анатомических и эстетических курсов, автор методик коррекции внешности с помощью нитей и коллагеностимуляторов

Elena Furdecka

dermatologist, aesthetic doctor with experience in aesthetic medicine since 2000, executive director of Medical Esthetic. International trainer of the Medical Esthetic company in injection and minimally invasive techniques

Светлана Ларкина

к.м.н., врач высшей категории, научный руководитель компании OKK-EXPERT PHARMA COMPANY, главный врач LARKINA CENTER.

The course is suitable for both beginners and experienced professionals



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Course “LIPS”
Access forever


Every month a new lesson

Access to chat with curators for 3 months.

In the first package, access to a chat with curators for 3 months.

Package "Course & Club for Aesthetic Doctors"


Любой курс на выбор (бессрочный доступ 24/7)

Basic package "Club for Aesthetic Doctors" for 3 months

Every month a new lesson

VIP package


Любой курс на выбор (бессрочный доступ 24/7)

Basic package "Club for Aesthetic Doctors" for 3 months

Hands on masterclass: theory + testing on models (drugs are paid extra). Mini-group up to 4 people.

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